District Trainers

Brand identity for corporate wellness fitness company District Trainers.

District Trainers contacted Tangerine about logo design and branding that accurately conveys the sophistication of their clients, atmosphere, and team.
A clean, contemporary brand identity was needed to communicate the company’s unique value. An aesthetic that helps establish trust in the brand and lifestyle and to increase awareness of their results-driven services as fitness trainers.

Client: District Trainers
Date: 2017-06-08
Services: Logo Design, Print, Brand Identity


District Trainers has a premium, science-based, sharp approach to personal training.

The District Trainers brand exposes typical gym chain offerings of training packages in the Washington DC metropolitan area that often deceive with vague promises. The company provides a more premium-feeling and honest experience for their clients at a similar price.

The logo does what a logo is supposed to do: Identify. Training in the district.

To differentiate District Trainers’ services, Tangerine’s goal was to create a more approachable, inclusive feel.

We created elevated designs with a contemporary, user-friendly, higher-end results to reach a broader market.


Bringing consistency and sophistication.

Creating a premium design for business cards, marketing documents, and merchandise meant creating a well-functioning system that gets small businesses looking professional from the start.

The District Trainers’ brand needed to look premium and professional and we provided an ideal way to communicate the company’s personality and values.

Everything that was created for the brand could be adopted to social media branding by using their own colors and logo.

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